Monday, November 23, 2009

Headed off soon for serious observation....

The spouse and I are headed for....the Caribbean.  Let's leave it at that.  We're leaving on Wednesday and coming back on Sunday.  This trip is one we've made several times over the years, and it never fails to supply plenty of interesting visuals.  Some we wish we had never seen, some we are glad to have seen just in order to be able to share with others.  

Yes we will be gone over Thanksgiving.  It's never been a big holiday in either of our families, so it wasn't a difficult decision on our part at all.  Some to take care of the cats and dog?  Done.  Bags packed?  Soon.  We ALWAYS over pack.  But hey, we both like choices, and what will happen if we spill something on what we're wearing, and the day we leave, we have NOTHING clean to wear since we used it all up due to our messiness?

Anywho, we're excited.  It will be a nice trip and hopefully the weather will prove, as usual, to be lovely, and the pool at just the right temperature.  The beach is always nice, and hopefully won't be crowded with screaming children.  

Ciao for now!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Congratulations!  You've started a blog that very few people, if any, will ever read!  So I now join the thousands (millions?) of other people in the world who have a blog.  Go me.

So what will I blog about?  Sex?  Work?  Food?  Nah.....Life.  I will blog about life.  Observations from the bench, so to speak.  People watching is a big part of my life.  (LOVE  I particularly love it when wealthy people don't think they're being watched and they go and do something like pick their nose, or their butt...or just ANYTHING out of the ordinary.

Cruises are a fantastic place to people watch. wonder if some people even have a mirror in their cabin.  Now, I'm no fashionista, but wonder what is wrong with some people.

I'm headed to the Caribbean in about week and I should have some great new observations.  Observations from the bench.  Until then....happy watching!